Air filters for the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems are a vital part of your heating/cooling systems operation. HVAC systems distribute conditioned air through a series of ducts with some pulling air from the conditioned space, normally referred to as return air ducts, and the other supply ducts that take the heated or cooled air back to the conditioned space.

Any room or are will generate dust and fine airborne particulate that is drawn into the return air ducts and pulled through the cooling coils, fan and heating system. In order to protect these parts and eliminate any build up of particulates that could significantly reduce the efficiency of the HVAC system, air filters are placed on the return air side of the return system to capture these particulate.

D-Mark, inc. has been making pleated media and granular activated carbon media filters for the HVAC market since 1970. D-Mark uses their patented CarbonWeb media with a 50/50 blend of both granular activated carbon along with activated alumina impregnated with 5% potassium permanganate.

These filters not only remove of very high percentage of particular from the air but also significantly reduce the levels of odors and gaseous pollutants that can be potentially unhealthy. Cooking odors, pet odors and house hold cleaning chemicals all produce odors that can be removed using the D-Mark pleated filters for HVAC Systems.

These filters come in a wide variety of sizes to fit any return air ducting or HVAC plenum for both residential and commercial. These can be used in offices, retail, apartments, industrial work areas and medical facilities.

For more information on the complete line of carbon filters offered by D-Mark please go to our website at:       or call us on our toll-free number at: 800-343-3610.